The last month has flown by. Dean is now almost 5 months old. Since my last post we have been to Michigan to visit Grammy and Grandpa, had our first baby cold, visited Aunt Lauren and Uncle Zach in DC, and been caught in middle of the woods in the rain. I'll start with our visit to MI...
We decided it was time to show Dean off to the Michigan Barricklows and booked tickets for a week long trip. During the month before the flight I constantly fretted over what the flight was going to be like with a 4 month old. I heard horror stories, and bore witness to such stories, of screaming babies. I received tidbits of advice on how to keep the pressure from bothering them ranging from feeding during take off and landing, to swimmer's wax in the ears. Unfortunately our flights went through Charlotte and I knew there was no way that feedings would coordinate with take off and landings of 2 flights. So I grabbed an asortment of pacifiers and spent the month trying to get Dean to like them...or even to tolerate them long enogh for take off and landing time. No luck. We get on the first plane going to Charlotte. It's a 35 minutes flight so you are always climbing or decending. Luckily Dean's second breakfast is timed perfectly with our scheduled take off. One problem solved...or so I thought. I get the bottle ready, Dean is on my lap protesting loudly (he can see the bottle and it is just out of his reach. He doesn't understand how I could be so cruel.), we taxi out, I start the feeding, and just as the bottle touches Dean's lips the pilot comes on to say that there is a delay and we have to wait 45 minutes. Crap. Well, there is no way I can take the bottle away and try again in 45 minutes. We'd have a royal tantrumon our hands. Dean sucks the bottle down and starts to whine for more. Just then the most amazing thing happened. He fell asleep!!! Not only did he fall asleep without much fuss, and not at normal naptime, but he stayed asleep until we landed!! Now, of course every flight didn't go this well, but he did fall asleep for at least part of every flight and never made much of a fuss. It was great!!
OK, so enough flight talk. On to MI...
Josh's parents, Grammy and Grandpa (and their dogs Wilsona nd Indy), were SO excited at our arrival. Or should I say, Dean's arrival.
We spent the week taking Dean around to friends and family, showing him off. He was quite a hit. The change of location and all the new sights and people threw him off a little bit, but overall he did really well. It was a lot of fun to see him interacting with his grandparents and beginning to recognize their faces. We happened to go to MI during the warmest week of the winter. The day before arriving they had 18 inches of beautiful white snow. The day we arrived it was 55 degrees and that beautiful snow had turned to black mush. It remained around 40-50 degrees the rest of the week. I have to say, MI is beautiful in the winter...WHEN THERE IS SNOW. Lucky for us the day before we left it snowed 4 inches. While the guys were out plowing snow (Dave has a snow plow business), Bronwyn and I bundled Dean up and took him out to "play in the snow".
He would open his mouth and stick out his tongue as the flakes fluttered down on his face. How would he know to do that? he surprises me like that. He's only 5 months old (4 months when this was happening) and you can see him trying to figure everything out. He loves to touch everything. not just touch, but really feel it. He doesn't have a huge amount of control with his individual fingers, and hasn't mastered the use of pointer-thumb pinches, but he concentrates so hard on trying to make them work. Imagine if we continued to grow and learn at the rate that babies do. Well, I can say one thing. Our heads would stay hugely misproportunate since our brains would continue to grow bigger and bigger.
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